Bring your idea to life in no time. The prototyping solution for all your needs. For UX designers, entrepreneurs, product managers, marketers, and anyone with a great idea.
How much is worth a stand for a computer monitor? According to Apple even 999 USD. This is definitely not an upper limit, you could easily spend much much more 🙂
Industrial robots are heavy. I have just checked that the ABB IRB760 weighs 2310 kg with a payload of 450 kg. In my opinion, this is not a bad ratio. However, it is always worth trying to do something better 🙂
W116 is a codename of first Mercedes-Benz S-Class car. It was manufactured in Sindelfingen, Germany from 1972 to 1980. This is a very interesting period from our point of view: the first robots were installed in this factory in 1971 by KUKA.
In London’s Tate Modern, you can find a “White field” – painted nails on canvas and board. This is a work of art of Günter Uecker. He began in 1956 using nails in his art and since then nailed a lot of them.
Robot controllers offer a few types of interpolated motion: joint, linear, circular (and I newer models also a spline). Differences between them are quite easy to understand, but the human eye is often too slow to notice the difference during performing path on a real robot.
No additional description, because this image doesn’t require any further explanation. I was right about market share when I recently wrote about Fanuc 🙂
I recently noticed that I write mainly about KUKA robots. As far as I know, Fanuc is the biggest robot supplier worldwide, so I’ve prepared some useful links for (present and future) fans of this Japanese brand.
Industrial robots are designed for long unbroken work. But sometimes something is going wrong. Like on the showcase in Brno in 2014.
Roboguide is available in a free trial version and can be downloaded from the Fanuc website (for registered users). Unfortunately, you cannot register by yourself.